Sunday, March 6, 2011

Stylish Blog Award

I feel special, this week has just been full of lots of fun stuff for me, as it was my birthday mid week. My three kids came over and we spent the evening together. I spent Friday with three great friends and then when I checked in with my blog I was awarded the Stylish Blog Award from Jenny at Thank you Jenny so much!

8 things about me...

1. I've been married for 28 years to a wonderful man, and we've lived in the same house for 24 years and paid it off two years ago!
2. I have three great kids.
3. I love to go camping up in the redwoods where we own two campsites.
4. I used to work as a "lunchlady", went to work when our youngest started 1st grade, and worked until she graduated high school in 09.
5. I belong to New Hope, Four square church and I love Jesus!
6. I can't get enough of my friends, love spending time with them just hanging out.
7. I have some great neighbors, one that I plan on spending lots of time on the porch with this coming summer!
8. I love anything that is homemade and I love to receive homemade items because I know the work that it means so much more!

That's a little about me. This has been a lot of fun and I look forward to all of the fantastic ideas that are yet to come. Sherri

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your award! Thanks for stopping by my blog and I am now following you! Happy Belated Birthday! Have a great week!


Thank you for visiting my Blog Spot. I'm looking forward to lots of fun and new ideas. Happy crafting!